
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

You Don't Need a Time Machine to Be a Time Traveler

image courtesy of Morguefile
I'm a time traveler. I like going to places that are old school and preserve the old way of life.   But they're increasingly hard to find because globalization and technological advances have made the world disturbingly similar (everyone's running around with an iPhone!) My most revered travel destinations are loosing their uniqueness and authenticity. Even Venice and Mont Ste. Michel  with their crowds and commercialism have a theme park feel.

If you're a time traveler, a good way to find the best preserved destinations is through the Cittaslow (Slow City) movement. Cittaslow was founded in 1999 by Pier Giorgio Oliveti from Orvieto, Italy. As Oliveti said in a post in themalaymailonline:

“Cittaslow is about appreciating what we are and what we have, without being self-destructive and depleting values, money and resources,” Oliveti told AFP.“It is an antidote against negative globalisation,”

Cittaslow's goals include improving the quality of life in towns by slowing down their overall pace and preserving their heritage by including environmental protection, conservation of historic buildings, promotion of local traditions and active community participation in the life of the town. 28 countries including South Korea, Turkey and the United States currently participate in the Cittaslow movement.

The Cittaslow Charter aims:

  • To preserve the distinctiveness and characteristics Cittaslow town and the surrounding area. 
  • To oppose development that is insensitive to history, tradition and the needs of town's people.
  • To use technology in ways that embrace and enhance quality and tradition.

  • To safeguard  products - not just food and drink - which have roots in  local culture that differentiate the area and make it unique. 
  • To support local artisan producers through markets, fairs and other activities to ensure their high visibility in the community.
  • To celebrate the quality of life, excellence in food and drink, conviviality as well as the value of  local traditions, products and production methods. 
For me, the Cittaslow philosophy is about finding destinations that fit my travel preferences and about enjoying day-to-day life. You can't always be on vacation and traveling, but you can transform your everyday environment into your own private day-to-day vacation destination by incorporating your favorite travel experiences into your diet, your home environment, your lifestyle and your attitude.

Even as city living booms around the world, the Slow City movement directed by an intrepid Italian is gaining a global following with a back to basics campaign to make small towns the new place to be. - See more at:


Even as city living booms around the world, the Slow City movement directed by an intrepid Italian is gaining a global following with a back to basics campaign to make small towns the new place to be. - See more at:
Even as city living booms around the world, the Slow City movement directed by an intrepid Italian is gaining a global following with a back to basics campaign to make small towns the new place to be. - See more at:

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