
About This Blog

Pat Campo,Sr. Editor

The Laid Back Traveler is written for folks (like me) who view travel as a way to relax and enjoy themselves. I’ve labeled this type of traveler: A Laid Back Traveler. Now there are travelers who relax and enjoy themselves by going on cruises or going to resorts such as Sandals. That is a legitimate type of Laid Back Travel, but that’s not what this blog is about.

My Laid Back Traveler enjoys going to foreign countries to experience the culture, atmosphere, food and drink. Sight-seeing is a legitimate activity for Laid Back Travelers, but they aren’t slaves to “To Do Lists” and tight schedules. They get enough of that in their everyday life and careers. In my form of Laid Back Travel, it’s not about the quantity of sights you see, it’s about seeing the sights that interest you. In Laid Back Travel, there is no such thing as a sight you are obligated to see.

My blog serves you by providing travel information that will make your trip more enjoyable and relaxing.  I make your travel more enjoyable by providing different travel strategies such as renting a vacation rental and living like a local; giving insights into the local culture that will enrich your travel experience; articles on local dishes and beverages; interesting and sometimes off-beat things to see and do. I make your travel more relaxing by helping you avoid bad travel experiences that could cause you stress. I provide travel alerts, articles on local scams, dangers, health risks and more.  

But sometimes you and I don't have the time (or money) to travel. My solution is to bring the world to our kitchens by offering different foods, beverages and international recipes that will let us travel the world through our stomach.   
                                                                                                           Pat Campo
                                                                                                           Senior Editor

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